Over the past month I've been working, dealing with school, working, dealing with school and figuring out what in the world to do with my life! I've mentioned before that I'm a little over half way through with an Early Childhood Education degree. I sort of took a mini-break this semester because I was doubting myself and my career choice. After much thought and consideration, I've decided to finish my degree! woohoo. At the end of the day I truly feel that my doubt was stemming from my current stressful work situation. I have to remember that working with 3 and 4 year olds is completely different than actually teaching in an elementary school. So next semester is going to be quite lovely taking 18 hours to play catch up! I haven't broken it to my boss yet that I want to cut my hours back at work in January. I better get on that asap!
I defiinitely need to update ya'll with a picture post and it will come soon! It's 11:06 right now, I am extremely sleepy and have to work in the morning. I hope all of you are doing well, am looking forward to catching up on your blogs!!